Friday 6 July 2012

Aerial Adapting Robots

The key to many applications is finding a way to teach robots how to adapt to the environment they work in. Where industrial robots have made their mark is doing tasks repeatably but the future is really doing their task un-repeatably but still accurately.  

Controlling a robot and asking it to go places in real-time accurately can be very tricky. As you know if you have talked with robotic manufacturers an industrial robot is known to be very repeatable but not accurate. 

You can ask a robot to go to the same point and it will hit the same point every time with great precision.  If you ask a robot to move 100mm from where it is, it will move that distance but with maybe 10x's less precision depending on how that particular robot was put together.  

Often the solution to compensate for this lies outside of the robot with a number of tricks and tools that go into building a system and controlling the process with various forms of feedback.

Below is a link to a great video showing how researchers from the University of Pennsylvania programmed flying robots to perform un-repeatable, agile or adaptive tasks!  Very impressive!

Friday 3 February 2012

com·pet·i·tive: Having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful than others: "she had a competitive streak".

Keeping manufacturing in North America purely for the sake of manufacturing jobs itself is unfortunately a tough sell.  When I looked on the internet I found a lot of internet resources and articles dedicated to creating business plan to justifying on-shore investment.  They all focused on points such as:
  •           Reduced transportation costs
  •           More efficient production lines
  •           More market flexibility (assuming your target market is NA alone)
  •           Protection of your intellectual property rights
  •           Quality control and product branding
  •           Product safety
  •           Improved communication
  •           Savings from reduced errors, reduced breakage and handling product returns

While there are a number of points on this list that can help you create a business case for manufacturing in NA there is still no compelling reason to invest in NA that will boost your company’s competitive advantage.  For example, anywhere in the world you can conceivably setup a very efficient production line and with the right management and people quality, product safety, errors etc can be controlled with a longer-term effect of a strong product branding.  All this in a low-cost country it is conceivable.
Two great examples would be Singapore and Poland for the aerospace industry.  Both have labor rates far below North America and both have the education base and people to support a high-tech manufacturing structure.

Still I don’t accept the notion though that we are doomed.  Look at Germany, one of the great manufacturing power-houses in Europe does it with a high standard of living.  When you think of German products though you think of German engineering and ingenuity so already you’re prepared to pay a little more.  Nice branding!

For a company to stay competitive in North America it needs use the strengths of North America to offer products that are innovative and unique in their industry.  The picture that is becoming clearer to me is that the focus needs to be on ensuring companies need to ensure they have products and manufacturing that is innovate and unique.  An innovation plan needs to be crystallized and flow through all levels of leadership, design, engineering, manufacturing and marketing/sales.  To have all these elements focused on the right strategy and immersed in an environment where other companies and opportunities for interaction become something that can be leveraged to create products and innovations which lead industries.  Creating a network which is unique in the world is something invaluable and strategic which will differentiate a company from its competitors and attract long term customers.

There are a number of books that all touch this subject from different viewpoints.  Design Driven Innovation by Roberto Verganti , Inside the Tornado by Geoffrey Moore or Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and RenĂ©e Mauborgne which look at companies like Apple and Nintendo created innovative products which generated a momentum that differentiate themselves from their competition and generate valuable jobs.   These companies use their vision, networks and relationships to innovate the meaning of their products.  The networks are both internal and external. 

Staying competitive by reducing costs is only half the picture since eventually the market will force you to eat your own lunch anyways, never mind if you have strong competition.  A strong innovation plan allows your company to continue to ask for the margins to grow your business.  Why do people still pay $600-700 for an I-Pad when you can buy a tablet for $100 now?

Speaking only about manufacturing now because that is where I am focusing my help it is unacceptable to not be lean and know your process strengths and weaknesses top to bottom.  A continuous improvement structure is imperative to ensure you are moving forward.  Giving your manufacturing a R&D budget to try new things is critical.  Many times I’ve been asked to push the envelope on a process that has never been tried before.  When a company doesn’t have the leverage to put a smaller project together to test with a high technology risk but minimal financial risk good ideas and game-changers get put on a shelf.  Or the partner gets put in an uncomfortable position and often has to risk their reputation and profitability if they want to pursue the business.

To take advantage and leverage innovation it requires three levels of coordination.  Industry, governments and universities/colleges all need to work as a network together to create a region that is unique in the world.
As a real-world example of this network in Quebec we have a number of initiatives.  Techno Croissance is a program subsidized by the provincial government focused on creating entrepreneurs which understand technology innovation and how to grow a company.  The CRIAQ is another government organization which matches up industry and universities on development programs.  In addition there are other federal and provincial government programs which create a framework for companies to work together on advance technology programs offering tax credits and creating a fair framework which allows all parties to benefit from the intellectual property and technology generated.  This is often a great place to be if you are a small company with a great technology but not much leverage with the big companies since your technology is new.

I’m still not convinced I’ve got all the pieces of the puzzle.  Let me know if anyone has any books or resources that have great information on this subject!

Monday 5 December 2011

97.3% of all statistics are made up...

Today I wanted to get to the bottom of something I typically left to the pros: statistics.  I must admit that this was never one of my strong points.  In fact in University during our open book mid-term for our stats course I was only able to pull off a mediocre C.  And I thought statistics was the art of never having to say your wrong.

My fun is to compare two approaches often brought to the table when it comes time accepting an automated visual inspection system as an approved replacement for human inspection: Attribute Gauge R&R and Probability of Detection (POD).

First to establish what each means from a high level:

An attribute gauge R&R is a tool often used when a measurement system relies on human judgement and the R&R stands for repeatability and reproducibility. The repeatability is a measure of does the same operator, measuring the same thing, using the same gauge, get the same reading every time. Reproducibility is measuring if different operators, measuring the same thing, using the same gauge, get the same reading every time.

So the idea applying this to automation is to stack up the automated visual inspection system with a defined sample set against an expert inspector or a number of expert inspectors. 
The results of an attribute gage R&R are two percentages - percentage of repeatability and percentage of reproducibility. Ideally, both percentages should be 100 percent but generally anything above 90 percent is often fine. 

Using this test you make the assumption you are happy with the same results as your expert inspectors so if you can achieve a correlation between the inspector and the automated system, you are confident the system is at least as good.  See a small flaw?

Probability of detection gives similar results as far as numbers but it let’s the automated visual inspection system stand on its own.  A formal definition: probability of detection, as a function of the discontinuity size, is the fraction of discontinuities of a nominal size that are expected to be detected. Looking at the results this is normally expressed as a ratio of a probability of detecting a discontinuity with a confidence level (90/95).  The first number represents the probability that the anomaly will be detected, which is given as a percentage. The second number is the confidence level for detecting the anomaly.  This is usually represented as a graph of defect size versus probability of detection.

So stacking them up here are the numbers:
Attribute GR&R           POD
% repeatability                 % probability anomaly will be detected
% reproducibility              Confidence level the anomaly will be detected

And here is the tough part of a POD study.  To make the POD valid, depending which document you read, the number of indications available is usually in the range of 20-100 or more of each defect type you want to find.  So if you have 10 defect types this grows very fast.  The defects need to be smaller than the limit, around the limit and much larger than the limit and you will also need two to three times that number representing regions without discontinuities.

So while the Attribute Gauge R&R hints you are fine with the status quo, the POD study really taxes your resources and may not be even possible depending on the types of parts you are manufacturing.

I actually prefer to go through a POD with a customer.  It is much more of an extensive test and serves as a great platform for learning about automated visual inspection.  If budgets don’t allow for a full test the second best is the Attribute Gauge R&R.  Overall both have implementation flaws if not approached properly.  The key is to understand what you are realistically able to achieve in your production environment then setting expectations and planning appropriately.

Has anyone come across other tests that do a great job of comparing a human process to an automated process?

Thursday 24 November 2011

Robotic Profiling is Literally Cutting Edge

When the first robotic leading edge profiling system we built for compressor blades starting officially cutting parts there was a lot of excitement from both our engineers and our customer.  Of course our engineers were high-fiving and twisting caps when they saw the fruits of their labor working and proof our adaptive robotic finishing was really coming of age. 
Adaptive Robotic Profiling System for
New Make Compressor Blades
Our customer seemed orders of magnitude more excited.  They discussed scaling up to cover their entire production within the next problem.  We assumed their excitement was the usual facts: now they are automated they had saved considerable amounts of labor, raised the consistency of their product and they were able to relieve the stresses of scaling up.  Whenever they were gearing up to meet a new production part or working to increase capacity the skilled hands of the manual bencher for this operation was one of the difficult things to duplicate.

It took months after the system was installed until we started hearing the rumours of what the true game changing benefits were.  It was oblivious to us because of our lack of knowledge of the industry at the time and the driving forces behind the tight tolerances of leading edges.  The fact that this operation was previously only feasible manually left design engineers at the mercy of what a skilled hand could achieve.  Now that there was a robotic adaptive profiling system able to guarantee profile leading edge shape and angle meant that each part was manufactured with the correct design tolerances.  In the engine this leads to gains in increased compressor efficiency, reduced fuel consumption, extended on-wing times and reduced spare part costs.  Now we were starting to get a true feeling of our customer’s excitement.  Wow we thought looking at each other, we should have charged double!!

Now today as our engineers push forward evolving our adaptive finishing platform we find on the repair side the same excitement is present.  These benefits of adaptive robotic profiling translate very well as anyone who has familiarized themselves with Sermatech’s RD-305 or Lufthansa/University of Aachen’s ARP will attest.  The adaptive finishing goes up a notch in this scenario as well since we fool with adapting more parameters.  Each part is worn a different amount and to meet the flow conditions of the original blading  the design criteria now includes chord length, profile thickness and leading edge angle.  This keeps our engineers just as excited as our customer, which makes for a wonderful journey!

I’d love to hear of any other benefits or challenges that adaptive robotic finishing could bring to life!

Thursday 17 November 2011

Automation in should it look?

Normally when I walk into an organization is focused and digging their heels in to compete and keep manufacturing on this side of the pond I get sparkles in people’s eyes.  Sometimes when I approach a company with my bag of automated robotics and vision tricks complete with a high end presentation it's not applause but more like the sound of rotten tomatoes hitting skin.  This if followed by “That’s nice, don’t think I don’t know automation, I’ve been in an automotive factory, but we have too many part numbers....or our volumes are too low....or that’s the way we’ve always done it and people are still buying from us.”

But in all fairness I’ve been lucky from that standpoint because I’ve got to really taste a few varieties of automation.  I started in automotive where to be in automation you had to be fast and perform miracles.  I’ve been in twinkie and femine product factories (not in the same place) where things move so fast you are not sure what is being made.   And I’ve been in a few McGiver factories where coat hangers and duct tape seemed to hold everything, as an automation partner consider running! 

Then, in my first aerospace facility I felt like I stepped back 50 years.    These are among the most advance engines that bring us where we want to go.  Where were the conveyors, the pallets, the robots, the flashing andon lights and shift-sirens playing beatles tunes?  Ha no wonder I can’t afford an airplane.   It took a while to re-focus my eyes.  Then I saw what I didn’t appreciate at first, the knowledge and workmanship that still went into a jet engine.  This is what Henry Ford ripped out of the assemblers hands with the assembly line.  I started to talk to people and saw people that knew their brown stuff.

Now after five years of knocking on doors I can say automation is gaining acceptance and in fact people are realizing it is do-or-die.  But the one piece of advice I have to anyone about to make a difference is it just doesn’t have to look the same as an automotive facility. 

I am coming to realize this can be a road block to smart people trying to making real progress in their facilities and to challenge the status-quo.  Aerospace has some of the oldest processes such as forging to some of the newest such as laser drilling.  There isn’t a one size fits all automation package that will change the way we make jet engines. 

This has led me to try to define categories of automation.  They all are valid, they all do their job and yes sometimes one leads to the next.  Now forgive me, I am sitting in Zanesville, OH with only 3hrs of sleep per night.  So I’m not the sharpest knife in the stack.  I am sure there will need to be additions to the categories.
Lean manufacturing automation:  Step 1 Break your process into small digestable steps; Step 2 Break them into work cells with single piece flow and instant feedback to the previous process; Step 3 Automate what ever you can in each work cell!

Lights-out automation: This is the Meca of automation.  Just ask Fanuc Robotics who assembles robots with robots...unattended for up to 30 days I’ve read.  No people required...Who made Who?

Flexible automation: This is how car manufacturers compete.  Put in a recipe at the start and out comes a Volkswagon Van from Chrysler Windsor Assembly.  Put in the next recipe and out comes a Town and Country off the same line.

X-box automation: Humans controlling automation real-time.  Doctors meet Davinci!

Big-brother automation: We need your human brainpower but we are going to write software and implement system checks to get rid of your variation.  Got to love those trusty sensors to help you back up your car....wait doesn’t a Ford Focus park itself now???  Yes but you still need to hit the brake!  Google I am sure will fix that.....

Does anyone have any other ideas?

Saturday 12 November 2011

Automating Visual Inspection in Copenhagen

This week the big thing taking up a lot of my time was the paper I had to write for the 2012 Turbo Expo conference in Copenhagen.  The topic was automating Visual Inspection.  

The most memorable quote I came across was from a study “ Visual Inspection Research Project Report on Benchmark Inspections” by Floyd W. Spencer.  At the beginning of the paper he adds to the definition of visual inspection saying not only involves the use of the eye but shaking, listening, feeling and sometimes even smelling the aircraft and its components.

Wow, how do you expect to automate that the skeptics are screaming!  And yes I started to sweat a bit thinking I could get that question as I present the paper in front of a bunch of design engineers!  

Automating detail processes that require an intuitive approach is not easy.  But as anyone used to automation does you pick your battles, make your assumptions and layout your plan-of-attack focusing on what can you take on.

The rewards are worth it.  80% of the inspection done on aircraft components is still visual inspection.  And the toughest part of bench marking human visual inspection is the fact that you can't.  Everything depends on the unique site where the person is inspecting the parts.  It depends on the training, environment, the parts, their mood, time of day etc etc.

So definitely the rewards of developing a technology which is linked to quantifiable standards will be a great relief to any company who has been on 3rd party containment or any manufacturing engineer who has had to chase down serial numbers of escaped parts before they get into an engine.....and if they get into the engine the rewards grow exponentially!
3D Image from Surface Profiler
Of the projects I've worked on the toughest part isn't implementing the calibration routines or algorithms to ensure all defects are detected, it is educating the end-user on the system they are receiving and  how to effectively use it in their manufacturing.

All of a sudden they are bombarded with new and important information on their parts.  Normally this was lost because of documentation practices or the fact the final inspector wasn't an inspector, but a rework artist.  So there is a step change required and a team effort that involves people outside of the inspection area.  This data can be used as feedback to improve the manufacturing process to ensure the parts getting to final are actually final parts.

If you target in-line inspection you can reduce the number of rework loops that happen because of the defects that are missed on the first inspection.  But what about the defects that are created by the rework operator?  Is this the next area that should be automated?